Collection: Dora Atwater Millikin

Artist Statement

Dora’s work is about paint. It is about composition and it is about her struggle with color. She enjoys rendering potentially unpicturesque motifs and everyday objects and scenes in her life and through using flat patterns and contrasting solid planes of color, she is always searching for ways to deliver the unexpected to her viewer. She has been working on a technique that makes the viewer question: Which is more important the object or the environment in which it sits?

Dora is most interested in the actual properties of paint as a material and how it can create movement on and across my picture plane. This type of painting centers on the medium of paint itself and therefore unites idea with technique. Her intent is to interlock image with paint so that paint becomes the image and vice versa. In places, her paint can take on a sense of shabby, disorderly chaos while in other places it can take on a sense of luscious richness. At any rate, the idea is to produce a certain and somewhat indefinable emotional command.

Leaning Pole
Leaning Pole