March Wine Salon: Wine Tasting and Brain Health

March Wine Salon: Wine Tasting and Brain Health

We asked Corey Nuffer, our wine expert and Wine Salon curator, to tell us more about our upcoming wine salon, which is Sunday, March 8th at 2:30pm.

I’m not saying that wine tasting will help ward off Alzheimer’s, but… 
It wasn’t that long ago that Morley Safer peddled a similar line of reckless speculation, back in 1991, on 60 Minutes. Called “The French Paradox,” this one segment on an episode of television is responsible for getting Americans to drink red wine, and we’re talking a jump of almost 40% within a year of the airing date. A magic bullet cure, in a stemmed glass, that could give you a buzz and go well with cheese. How great is that!
Years later, we’ve moved on from “red wine is good for your heart” to memory and our sense of smell. This idea that the two--memory and sense of smell--are closely linked is bandied about like one would talk about the weather or sports, right? It has become common knowledge...or at least something on par with small talk. To reach a bit and connect a couple dots when it comes to wine tasting and improving our memory--doesn’t that make sense? Or does it?

This Sunday we’ll walk through this provocative space of thought experiment, nose first. We’ll do what the experts do when training their schnoz. From vials of scents to more difficult-yet-educational trials of scents, we’ll go beyond wine to something that feels more like an investment in our health than a casual wine tasting on a Sunday afternoon. At the same time, we will be tasting wine on a Sunday afternoon. And we’ll have a little nosh from Portugalia Marketplace to tide us over. Definitely something Morely Safer would approve of, and perhaps, fodder for another 60 Minutes segment that will change the world.

Tickets for each salon cost $35 and include wine and light snacks.
Please RSVP in advance so we can prepare for your visit.