Glow Purple for ArtWeek
Shine a light on the arts throughout the greater Tri-town community during ArtWeek April 27 through May 6, 2018. Throughout the Commonwealth, arts, cultural and creative communities, iconic buildings and structures will be awash in multicolor splendor as part of a statewide festival celebrating the arts. In Tri-town communities, homes and businesses will Glow Purple in celebration of our own vibrant arts community. Purple, the color of imagination and creativity (with a spark of magic) is the guiding light of the Marion Art Center which, along with other arts and cultural organizations throughout Marion, Mattapoisett and Rochester will host a rich and varied schedule of exhibits, gallery openings, performances and concerts throughout ArtWeek.
Join us!
Glow Purple for ArtWeek
You can be a bright and sparkling part of the Tri-town ArtWeek celebration by lighting purple lights at your home or business from April 27 through May 6. In your windows, at your doors, Glow Purple for the arts! Purchase your purple lights for ArtWeek today!